January 20, 2010

Think of Love ..full version

kondisi cuaca akhir² ini membuat suasana hati menjadi lebay...
tapi gw sangat menikmatinya..
seakan larut dalam kelebayan, gwpun berusaha memadupadankannya dengan harmonisasi nada hingga terpilihlah lagu terciamik musim ini, versi gw pastinya

Think of Love by Risin Black Hole

sometimes I wanna give you all the love that I have
coz when you smile it seems all problems are vanished to the sky

oh I.. was thinking
Why I need you more..
Why I need you more..

Sometimes I wanna give you all the time that I have
coz when u die my world come tumbling down in front of me.
Oh I.. was thinking
Why I need you more
each day..

when I think of love
I just think of you
I said I want you want you
to be my wife
when I think of love
I just think of you
I said I want you want you
to be my wife

Sometimes I wanna give you all the love that I have
coz when u die my world come tumbling down in front of me.
oh i.. was thinking why i need you more
would you marry me..

when I think of love
I just think of you
I said I want you want you
to be my wife

ga tau deh udh brp ratus kali ni lagu looping di playlist winamp gw.
sumpah ni lagu enak bgt, komposisinya sederhana tapi pas bgt,
ringan, renyah, santai, hmm, sepertinya asosiasi gw ga pas tp bgitulah adanya
dan satu hal lagi yg buat gw tersepona adalah liriknya yang sangat² natural, haiyah asosiasi macam apalagi ini hehe...

kesimpulannya, i do to him who sing that song for me...ngarep...haha...

"when I think of love, I just think of you"

*ada tambahan*
dalam tekanan seseorang yang cukup berpengaruh, gw terpaksa mengedit postingan gw yang ini..
haha..dialah Chandra Novrisa Maulana (si alumumnus mesin ITB yg beberapa kali muncul di cerita gw) yang menginspirasi hingga terciptanya tulisan gw yang berjudul Think of love ini, hehe..
behind the seen-nya bgini:
di suatu sore, terjadilah percakapan di dunia maya (dengan sedikit proses editing) :
winz : can, bosen gw
chandra : tumben ga high voltage
winz : lg males, punya lagu enak ga?gw lg pengen denger lagu baru tp yg enak
chandra : ada, kantoi-zee avi
winz : kirim dah
chandra : seep
*lagu terkirim*
winz : kupret...lagu apaan tuh?sumprit kocak abezz (lol)
chandra : wkwkwk, itu orang malay yg nyanyi, lagunya kocak
winz : yang lain, lagu yg bener
chandra : hmm, think of love-nya risin black hole udh tau blm?
winz : blm, kirim dah
*lagu terkirim*
winz : njrit,,,keren bgt lagunya..ini band apaan??
chandra : itu band indo, jebolah prambors
winz : wew, kerennnnnn
chandra : yoi gw juga suka tu lagu
winz : thnx chan..
-the end-

haha..bgitulah ceritanya knp tulisan ini bisa sampai ada...
thnx untuk chandra yg sudah memperkenalkan gw dengan lagu ini...
semoga lo puas karna gw sudah mencantumkan lebih dari 10 kali penulisan nama lo disini wkwkwk...
thnx dude...


Unknown said...

winda winda winda ..

mau donk bikin cerita yang terinspirasi sama g, hokhokhohkhokh

wINz said...

wew...your request has been responded dear..
mari menulis tentang ella..

Unknown said...

hahaha.. ella ngiri ya??

wINz said...

makanya traktir gw la..
ntar gw tulis deh...
judulnya "RAPELAN Anggota P*J*K"

Anonymous said...


This is Think of Love guitar Chords...If you needed..

Hope U Like It..!!!

Think of love chord:
Song 1n2:





Reff 2n3:


Risin Black Hole music system

wINz said...

wow... mendapat komen dari Risin Black Hole-nya... tidak menyangka.. Tapi bener kok lagunya bagus deh... ada albumnya ga ya??